![Preview](files/mv/user_510/Portada sitio web UTE.jpg)
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Intranet corporativo
Title translated into English
Corporate intranet website
Product description
The video of the website of the Occupational Health and Safety Sub-management (SHT) belonging to UTE, aims to show the content of the site, which is oriented to inform UTE personnel and its collaborators about Occupational Health and Safety. The website maintains updated data together with documents of daily use for workers.
Aims and objectives
The aim of this product is to show how the web portal is a support tool for staff.
Target audience
Young workers, Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists, Other (please specify) : Todos los trabajadores
Contact details Editor / Production company
Administración Nacional de Usinas y Transmisiones Eléctricas (UTE)
Santa Fe 1007 - Paraguay 2431, 2° piso, Of. 207 , Uruguay-11800 Montevideo
+59822033421 - +59891557766 VCatarozzi@ute.com.uy https://www.ute.com.uy/