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40. Międzynarodowe Kolokwium w Rzymie 2022
Title translated into English
40th International Colloquium in Rome 2022
Film: Duration in minutes
6:41 minutes
Product submission URL (http:// or https://)
Product description
The subject of the 40th International Colloquium was OSH in agriculture development. The war in Ukraine is affecting global food security across the continent and the wider world. Instability in the region which is called the ‘breadbasket of Europe’ is therefore likely to affect food supply in the importing countries. Many of them are currently food-insufficient. Therefore, in order to restore a balance in global food supply, it is extremely important to concentrate efforts of all partakers on agriculture development also in the remaining areas. The OSH package was devised to support this task. As a farmer is exposed to a number of dangers during his/her daily duties or routine activities, compliance with the regulations and rules of occupational safety and health are crucial. The event was mainly addressed to employers and employees from agriculture sector, occupational safety experts, researchers, work medicals and experts from the area of public health. The programme included following topics: Vision Zero and social inclusion in agriculture development, economic and environmental determinants of prevention, new technologies and digitalisation in agriculture, return to work (including post-COVID-19 approach), safe farm without wellbeing?
Aims and objectives
The aim of the Colloquium was to make participants aware of the threats and opportunities, familiarise them with socio-economic aspects of prevention in agriculture as well as strengthen social inclusion in agriculture development. As envisaged in the Memorandum of Understanding between ISSA and IFAD on extending social protection to rural areas this included the latest measures aimed at improving safety, health at work and well-being of a farmer and his family. The promotional video summarises the Colloquium and presents the issues discussed at the Colloquium.
Target audience
Young workers, Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists
Contact details Editor / Production company
Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego
al.Niepodleglosci 190, Poland-00-608 Warsaw
00-48-22-592-64-05 agro.issa@krus.gov.pl https://www.krus.gov.pl/