![Preview](files/mv/user_220/NO TERMINES HECHO BOLSA.jpg)
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Title translated into English
Don't end up bagged
Film: Duration in minutes
Product submission URL (http:// or https://)
Product description
In Chile, the national holidays associated with Independence Day are celebrated in September. On these days, there is an increased incidence of road accidents and deaths due to alcohol consumption. This video raises awareness through an expression used in Chile, No termines hecho bolsa (Don't end up bagged), which is associated with people who end up exhausted or drained after a lot of work or partying, which is related to the fact that they end up in a bag for the bodies of people who have died after an accident.
Aims and objectives
Raise awareness among workers and their families about alcohol consumption during national holidays and drink drinving.
Target audience
Young workers, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists, Other (please specify)
Recognized by "Mutualidades de Chile" (private non-profit insurance institutions)
Contact details Editor / Production company
Av JORGE Alessandri 10700 san bernardo - Santiago Chile , Chile-8320000 Santiago
+56975680914 - +56975680914 rservieri@sitrans.cl https://web.sitrans.cl/