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Airbus Safety Runner
Title translated into English
Airbus Safety Runner
Product description
Gamification in occupational safety : The Jump ‘n’ Run game “Airbus Safety Runner” motivates employees to address and explore the topics of accident prevention and PPE in a playful manner. The game ist available to employees as an app or gaming machine.
The game features an avatar running through production hangars with the task of eliminating unsafe situations caused by falling objects or obstacles in its path. The player gains points by identifying and removing these hazards but will lose lives if the avatar stumbles or is struck by an object. Before sending it off on its journey through the hangar, the player must equip the avatar with the correct PPE.
Airbus employees can download the game app from the Airbus App Store to their company mobile phones.
The arcade machine consists of a simple plywood cabinet on which a tablet computer has been installed. It is set up in shopfloor areas or offices for events or on request from business departments, allowing employees to play against each other on the high score level and declare the team’s winner on points.
Aims and objectives
The Airbus Safety Runner is designed to foster the company’s safety culture: By combining occupational safety with fun and action, it aims to raise employees’ awareness of accident prevention and motivate safe behaviours.
The Airbus Safety Runner picks up on the much loved cartoon world of the “Recently at Airbus...” safety clips and, by creating a game environment where employees actively eliminate hazardous situations with their avatars, adds the topic of accident prevention to the actual real-life accidents shown in the video clips.
Even though the Airbus Safety Runner game is designed as an abstract cartoon, Airbus employees will realise that this world, through which they navigate their avatars on a mission to prevent accidents, is actually their own working environment with realistic hazards they might encounter on the Airbus shopfloor. The popular cartoon figures increase the fun factor of the game. This process of associative learning and the effect of repetition throughout the game are aimed at promoting safety awareness among employees.
Target audience
All employees
Safety Awareness
Contact details Editor / Production company
Airbus Operations GmbH
Kreetslag 10, Germany-21129 Hamburg
+49 40 743 50025 bettina.meinken@airbus.com