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Mob Rules - ABB PAMA
Title translated into English
Mob Rules - ABB PAMA
Film: Duration in minutes
5 minutes 3 seconds minutes
Product description
Mob Rules is a fun positive training film highlighting the importance of team safety through the eyes of the collaborative safety culture of meerkats in the Kalahari Desert.
Aims and objectives
To get employees to think about safety differently. To create a better team safety approach. Learning the meerkat’s survival techniques: Concentrate, Communicate, Collaborate and Care.
Target audience
Young workers
Contact details Editor / Production company
Lattitude Safety Ltd
Little Firs - Back Lane , United Kingdom-TN21 9QW Rushlake Green
00441435831500 - 00447816327488 rob@lattitudeproductions.co.uk https://lattitudesafety.co.uk